Saturday, May 25, 2013


Rhubarb Mango Crumble
I made some rhubarb strawberry sauce, but more almost jam.
Just cooked down all the rhubarb I was given, maybe four cups chopped all told, with the end of some frozen strawberries and a goodly measure of sugar until it was gorgeously pectinous and delicious.

Then I discovered some unripened mangos in the back of the fridge (? What was I thinking?) and diced them up, covered them with sugar and some of the Rhubarb Strawberry Delight and then over that a crumble mixture {two cups uncooked oatmeal, half cup brown sugar, quarter cup flour, one stick warm golden luscious melted butter} baked at 350 for nearly an hour.
Then obviously I sampled a little off the side.

Thank goodness Matt doesn't eat sugar. I don't know how this could stretch to eight people. As it is, I will probably ladle it into little prep dishes for the children. It's not good to eat too much right before bed. If you're a child....

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